MSc Fraud Management



1 year





1 year+


The growth and diversification of fraud and financial crime globally provides the key rationale for the provision of this applied programme. As such, both the public and private sectors have a need to source individuals who have successfully completed high quality specialist counter-fraud education. To meet this need industry has chosen to out-source this educational requirement, due to the costs involved, and look for high quality providers whilst at the same time achieve value for money. The private sector has also had to face large scale cut-backs and savings across the board. The availability and provision of in-house counter-fraud training has consequentially suffered. Many private sector organisations will be looking to rationalise their own internal training and are likely to require employees to identify and/or fund their own education as part of their CPD. This master’s degree programme accommodates these needs by providing focused learning which will reduce student costs and substantial absence from the work place, whilst linked to individual career development. This proposal therefore seeks to develop a master’s degree qualification specifically aimed at the fraud investigation markets, for example these will include law enforcement, military police, insurance industry (especially the motor trade), health, as well as private sector organisations including forensic accountants and auditors. The programme will be based upon the nationally recognised fraud investigators courses, which have been delivered over many years by the providers.

For current information regarding all entry requirements for this course, please see the ‘Applying’ tab on the University course information web page.

 Evidence of at least a second class honours degree from a UK HEI or equivalent or professional or work-based education and achievement, for example police promotion or CID qualifications, previous investigative experience, etc. It is required that any other qualification(s) falling outside the above to be reviewed and delegates will be subject to an entry interview to determine suitability. Business professionals wishing to attend the whole or part of the qualification will need to demonstrate their ability to study at master’s level 7. APL/APEL will only be considered in accordance with relevant University policies.

  1. Students will gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the techniques, practices, methodologies and application of the management of fraud and terrorist financing investigations;
  2.  Students will engage in a process of scholarship and research that will include a critical awareness of current legal and ethical issues and developments in the management of fraud and terrorist financing investigations. It is essential that students gain a level of ‘investigative’ expertise that is assessed as meeting the current professional standards; and
  3.  Students will demonstrate an ability to complete several self-study projects in the subject area, which will include critical review of both the existing literature as well as practice.

The learning activities designed to support your achievement of the learning outcomes are diverse and comprehensive. Lectures will be varied, including both teacher and student-centered formats, with interactive opportunities to enhance understanding. Digital technology will support and extend learning, making lecture materials accessible for independent study.

Seminars will deepen your understanding of module topics, encouraging student-led discussions on relevant articles, policies, and theoretical foundations. Simulated learning environments will provide practical, near-real-life experiences in fraud investigation, allowing for self-review and critical evaluation to inform future development.

Workshops will develop interaction and critical debate skills essential for fraud investigation, while peer presentations will foster independent study and feedback to the group, enhancing academic and critical thinking skills. Tutorials will offer personalized academic advice, and work-based learning, where applicable, will be tailored through collaboration between you, the University, and your employer.

Independent and self-directed learning is crucial at the postgraduate level, with essential reading materials provided and freedom to explore additional topics. Blended learning will incorporate digital elements, including online formative assessments, collaborative opportunities, electronic personal development plans, online submissions, and interactive face-to-face sessions to ensure comprehensive competency development.

A variety of assessment methods will be used, depending upon the module. These will include a range of formative and summative methods. Formative assessment will provide ample feedback opportunities on which to build summative work including some of: in-class tests, verbal presentations and written submissions such as reports, essays, plans / strategies, on-line group exercises and an electronic personal development plan. Underpinning the assessment policy within this course are a number of principles, as set by NTU including clarity (about what the assessment task involves), transparency (how grades are arrived at) validity (grades awarded are fair and appropriate), equity of treatment, performance measurement and reliability.

Assessment should provide a learning opportunity for the student, through the task set, and promote improvement in performance in the future through the feedback provided. All modules of the master’s degree will be subject to a PASS or FAIL grade of 40%.

It is strongly believed there are three main markets for this degree; pre and post-employment students and international. The market for pre-employment students can be met from within NTU, e.g. through progression from aligned NTU under graduate degree programmes, such as:


BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance

BA (Hons) Economics with International Finance and Banking

BA (Hons) Criminology


In addition, NTU would be very well placed to attract under graduates and students from other universities and colleges who have completed similar such programmes, e.g. BSc (Hons) Policing, etc.

While an overview as to the post-employment market has been provided above, Paragraph 6, it should be noted the relevance of the proposed degree with NTU’s Five Year Strategic Vision, ‘Creating the University of the Future’, most especially:

‘All students will develop relevant professional attributes gained through meaningful work placement or experience embedded into the design, learning, and assessment of every course’

The programme has been specifically designed to satisfy the requirements of a number of post-employment markets, for example police officers working in economic crime units, insurance industry, NHS fraud investigators, etc. and is distinctive in terms of its ‘industry’ focus and being award bearing.

Regarding the international market the degree has currently attracted significant levels of interest. This can be evidenced, for example by way of correspondence with institutions in Sri Lanka and India who have committed to placing many students on the programme.