Kingsley Institute of Management

Certificate in Organised Crime


(1 Week Residential)

This weeklong course is designed to give participants an in depth understanding of the key elements of organised criminality, how it operates and how it can be counteracted.

Course Aims

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This course is run by the Centre for Study of Organised Crime which has a broad range of continuing professional development (CPD) short courses. These are accredited by University of Buckingham in the form of certificate of attendance.


Session 1: Cybercrime

How crime has adapted to the digital age, examining how criminals have altered their modus operandi and methodologies to become successful in the age of the internet.

Session 2: Firearms trafficking

Examining the nuances of the firearms trade, in particular how, as a commodity, firearms flow across the world, how they act as a lubricant for other forms of criminality and how the UK market differs from the rest of the world.

Session 3: Money laundering 

An analysis of how criminals exploit the international financial system, examining the history of money laundering its significance the criminal sphere and several common laundry tactics.

Session 4: International drug smuggling

An introduction to one of the most lucrative and well-known elements of organised crime. Chris Allen takes you through the past, present and future of international drug trafficking looking at the trends, methods and criminal actors involved illicit narcotics and strategies to counteract them.

Session 5: Organised crime exotica

Chris Allen examines the scope and scale of some of the more unusual activities that organised criminals are involved in, including wildlife trafficking and organ trafficking. The course examines the supply and demand elements for these areas and gives some examples of them.

Session 6:  trafficking 

When human beings are the commodity, it is particularly harrowing. This course examines the scale of this truly global crime, looking at how human traffickers operate and the differences and similarities between the modus operandi of migrant smugglers and that of traffickers.

Session 7: Organised crime expansion 

Using a range of case studies this session will examine the factors behind how an OCG successfully expands into new territories and how we can use that knowledge to predict a group’s next move.

Session 8: How organised crime operates as a business

This course looks at the operational similarities between legitimate and illegitimate enterprises ie business and OCGs. It will examine how that knowledge can be applied in a policing context.

Session 9:  Organised crime innovation

How do organised criminals adapt to changes in their environment? through a series of case studies we will examine the extent of the criminal’s ability to come up with intuitive and ingenious ways to smuggle contraband across borders for profit.

Session 10: Outlaw Motorcycle gangs

This course profiles the main outlaw biker gangs operating in the US, Australia, and Europe, it examines their criminal history, the threat they pose and looks at successful operations that have targeted them,

Session 11:  Utilising Business Analysis Towards Targeted Law Enforcement

This emerging area of research is assessing the investigative uses that can be gained through exploiting operational similarities between OCGs and big business via application of systems previously exclusively used on the latter.

OCGs are explicitly taking corporations as models for how to do business and emulating them so as to be more effective-–the only difference being the product they sell is illegal.

Utilising Business Analysis Techniques Towards Targeted Law Enforcement (U-BATTLE) is an OCG investigative strategy development tool that uses adapted versions of business analysis techniques to aid detectives in developing strategies and tactics to purse, deter and dismantle OCGs

Session 12: Case studies in Global organised crime

This session will outline how organised criminal groups operate in different parts of the world and examine. effective strategies to counteract them.

Session 13- Organised crime overview

A summary of the organised crime, the threat it poses, how it operates, its scope and scale with a focus on the crime types above

Who This Course is for

A Certificate in Organised Crime benefits law enforcement, criminal justice students, legal professionals, policymakers, security analysts, academics, financial crime investigators, NGOs, journalists, and corporate security officers by providing specialized knowledge to effectively address and manage organised crime. This course equips them with the tools to understand, investigate, and combat organised criminal activities in their respective fields.


Course Team

Professor David M J Graves

David M J Graves

Managing Director

Gerald Doyle

Director of Financial Pathways

Dr. Chris Allen

Senior Police Practice Tutor

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